Letter from the director
The LEFMI brings together researchers in economics, finance and management whose problematic questions the functioning and evolution of commercial and financial exchanges, as well as the behavior of agents in the economic sphere.
In order to develop our analyzes, we endeavor to mobilize a plurality of methodological approaches: theoretical, empirical (quantitative and qualitative analyzes) and historical (including the history of economic thought).
If economic analysis remains at the heart of our scientific approach, we are nevertheless sensitive to the idea that only a multidisciplinary approach (combining economics and management, economics and history, economics and politics, economics and sociology, economics and natural sciences , economics and computer sciences) can fuel our reflection in a context of profound changes, linked both to technological upheavals (artificial intelligence, development of blockchains, algorithmic processing of data), and to the need to reinvent new models more environmentally friendly (ecological transition, green finance, etc.) and people.
The members of LEFMI work in several components of the UPJV: the UFR of Economics and Management, IAE of Amiens and the IUT of Oise (Beauvais and Creil sites). We are particularly attached to maintaining a research dynamic in all UPJV sites, regardless of their geographical position. Doctoral students, post-docs and associated researchers, based in France or abroad, strengthen our team.
By visiting our site, you will discover that LEFMI is a young and dynamic team, open to the world and attentive to its developments, sharing values that feed our scientific thinking, with objectives of scientific excellence while respecting the diversity that constitutes the wealth of Human and Social Sciences.